Pricing - BSBR
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Monthly Plans


From $200

per month + GST

Suited to those just starting out and what to get it right from the start

Includes Dext (20-40 items per month average).


From $350

per month + GST

Best suited to Sole Traders and Tradespeople who handle their own invoicing.

Includes Dext (50 items per month).

BSBR will assist with your queries, match your supplier receipts and invoices with your outgoings on your bank statement, check over your accounts and Lodge your BAS quarterly.

Email/phone support

Quarterly reporting of profit and loss

Year-end reconciliations

Liaise with your accountant at year end

Post any adjusting journals

Review, allocate and publish receipts/invoices from Dext

Apply payments made to published items expenses and bills through Dext

Reconcile up to two bank accounts

Additional bank accounts $10 per account per month

Process payments received and apply to invoices

Yearly progress meeting


From $600

per month + GST

Best suited to those who need a little extra software guidance and assistance with invoicing customers.

Includes Dext (50 items per month).

BSBR will assist with your queries, match your supplier receipts and invoices with your outgoings on your bank statement, invoice as directed and apply payments received, check over your accounts and Lodge your BAS quarterly.

Email/phone support

Quarterly reporting of profit and loss

Year-end reconciliations

Liaise with your accountant at year end

Post any adjusting journals

Review, allocate and publish receipts/invoices from Dext

Apply payments made to expenses and bills

Reconcile up to three bank accounts

Additional bank accounts $10 per account per month

Process payments received and apply to invoices

Generate customer/debtor invoices

6 monthly progress meeting


From $850

per month + GST

This package is best suited to those who need regular bookkeeping support for all parts of their business.

Includes Dext (50 items per month).

BSBR will assist with your queries, match your supplier receipts and invoices with your outgoings on your bank statement, invoice customers as directed, enter supplier invoices and pay bills, check over your accounts and Lodge your BAS quarterly.

Email/phone support

Monthly reporting of profit and loss

Year-end reconciliations

Liaise with your accountant at year end

Post any adjusting journals

Review, allocate and publish receipts/invoices from Dext

Apply payments made to expenses and bills

Reconcile up to 4 bank accounts

Additional bank accounts $10 per account per month

Process payments received and apply to invoices

Generate customer/debtor invoices

Monthly progress meeting

Bill payment

Provide accounts payable reports

Provide accounts receivable action list



Tailored package

If the above solutions don’t meet your needs, we can tailor a more specific package with as much or as little assistance as you require.

Simply ask us about a custom package and we can discuss your requirements and the costs involved.


From $100 + GST

per pay period per month

Plan for up to 10 employees. Add $10 per each additional employee per pay period.

Payroll includes:

Managing payroll for 10 employees

Wage processing based on frequency required by your business

Processing of monthly superannuation

Calculation of PAYGW payable for BAS/IAS

TFN declaration lodgement

End of year reconciliations and generation of Income Statements

Work Cover declarations and remunerations

Get in touch with us today,

so you can get back on with your business